Meet Our Alumni!

8. May 2024 | 0 comments

Many colleagues have shaped the Fraunhofer IPK Project Office for Advanced Manufacturing at ITA over the years. We would like to introduce some of our alumni, who have helped shape our work by implementing their expertise in applied research and development. Join us in celebrating their remarkable journeys!

Highlighting the significance of international collaborations, partnerships like Fraunhofer IPK and ITA’s play a pivotal role in enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of Brazilian industries. Aligned with our mission to promote competitiveness through knowledge transfer, applied research, and innovation, our alumni exemplify the values of excellence and innovation.

Success stories like those of our alumni inspire us as we continue to foster excellence in manufacturing, advancing towards our vision of becoming a leading RD&I catalyst and institutional reference for these solutions in Brazil. It is an essential part of our work to train and develop well-qualified professionals, and offering international experiences for students is one of the pillars of this mission.

To learn more about the Fraunhofer IPK Project Office for Advanced Manufacturing at ITA, please follow our LinkedIn account! We are posting regularly about our work and our alumni.


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