Advanced Robotics

The Fraunhofer IPK Project Office for Advanced Manufacturing at ITA develops solutions for the efficient, highly flexible and safe automation of machines, plants and processes for production as well as for logistic and safety applications. The efficiency and flexibility of our solutions results from the approach of transferring complex sensory and cognitive abilities of humans to automated systems. Our innovative robotics, control and safety concepts support flexible cooperation between people and automation systems in adaptable production processes.



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Development of Solutions in Wearable Robotics

📄 ErgoJack
Soft robotic orthosis with intelligent motion monitoring and real-time feedback

📄 TeleStrokeRehab
Haptic robot-assisted telerehabilitation

Development of intelligent robot control systems and kinematics

Flexible, lightweight, dual-arm robot system for the automated cucumber harvest and other agricultural applications

Realistic robot simulation

📄 SIVOR – Flight Simulator in Robotic Plataform
Development of a flight simulator in a robotic platform which can provide a significant know-how to develop another simulators (more simple, but high reliable) for personal or educational use

Development of HMI & Collaborative Robots (COBOTs)

📄 ErgoJack
Soft robotic orthosis with intelligent motion monitoring and real-time feedback

📄 Gesture-based robot programming
Markerless detection of gestures through robust camera-based finger tracking

Development of simulator robotic platforms

Realistic robot simulation

📄 SIVOR – Flight Simulator in Robotic Plataform
Development of a flight simulator in a robotic platform which can provide a significant know-how to develop another simulators (more simple, but high reliable) for personal or educational use

Design of manufacturing end-effectors

Flexible, lightweight, dual-arm robot system for the automated cucumber harvest and other agricultural applications

📄 Industrial robots as machine-tools
Flexibility, precision and automation with industrial robots

📄 AME Project – Automation of Aircraft Structural Assembly
Development of an automatic process for robotic assembly of aircraft structures and a cooperative robotic system for drilling and inserting fasteners for aeronautical fuselages

📄 AME_ASA Project – Automation of Aircraft Wings Structural Assembly
Development of robotic systems and end effectors applied in industrial robots to execute the tasks necessary to manufacturing aircraft wings

📄 EFIP-EFORB – Devices for Aircraft Structures Assembly
Development of end-effectors to complement the necessary tasks for the automation of aircraft structural assembly

📄 EXOBOT – Mobile Robotic Force Amplification System
Development of a force amplification system to handle large pipes

Robotics control integrated with large volume measurement systems

📄 AGE Project – Automation of the Construction and Installation of Large Scale Industrial Reservoirs
Development of a high innovative process through automatic align with industrial robots using a programming called cooperative movement

📄 AME Project – Automation of Aircraft Structural Assembly
Development of an automatic process for robotic assembly of aircraft structures and a cooperative robotic system for drilling and inserting fasteners for aeronautical fuselages


How to cooperate with us

A step-by-step guide
  • Company approaches the Fraunhofer IPK Project Office for Advanced Manufacturing at ITA with an inquiry
  • Definition of project scheme
  • The international team of experts, together with the company, discuss and defines and the project scope, demands and requirements
  • Our team proposes the best contract model for hiring the Fraunhofer IPK Project Office at ITA, which depends on the division of work and financing source
  • A proposal is developed by our team
  • The contract between the parties is prepared and the company places the order (non-disclosure agreements can also be prepared in parallel)
  • We carry out the project
  • Presentation of results upon project completion


Prof. Dr. Ronnie Rego

Head of Operations Fraunhofer IPK Project Office for Advanced Manufacturing at ITA

Phone: +55 12 3947-6948

Dr.-Ing. David Carlos Domingos

Head of Operations Fraunhofer IPK Project Office for Advanced Manufacturing at ITA

Phone: +49 30 39006-413